
Regression can be good for you
No kidding. It can be a time when our ego retreats in order to repair its relationship to reality. So we can re-emerge stronger and more sensible in our thoughts, and in our actions. But what if you’re stuck. We'll work together to help you get through the tough...

Made your New Year’s resolutions?
Made your New Year’s resolutions? How is that working out for you? Truth is, most folks don’t do so well. Because there’s a real difference between sentiment and orientation. The intentions are there, but the motivation is not. That’s where good psychotherapy comes...

Getting Help
It takes a lot of courage to accept that you need help. That you can’t figure it all out yourself when you think you should. But that’s just being human. Because there’s so much inside our heads we’re unaware of that influences our thoughts, our actions, and their...

Anger is exhausting
A dramatic reaction we learned from a clueless upbringing. But it really doesn’t work. Now there’s nothing to be ashamed of. That’s just human. Yet, if you could see the reality of a situation, you wouldn’t get angry. That’s what psychotherapy can do. Help you dismiss...

People have problems
Let’s face it, people have a lot of problems. They struggle, but can’t seem to get a handle on them. I want to help them, so they don’t have to suffer. So if you feel like that, do contact me. We'll work through the issues to ease your pain. So you can embrace a life...

Postpartum blues
Postpartum depression is often attributed to hormonal changes beyond our control. Yet, that's not necessarily the whole picture. Because we don’t appreciate how self-centered we are, and that there’s no reason to be ashamed of being so human. The reality is that we...

All you is need is love
Love. . . Writers write about it. Crooners croon about it. It’s been romanticized, aggrandized, and commoditized. We seek it. We feel we’ve found it. Often to see it sadly slip away. Who can you turn to? Who can you talk to? Who will understand? We'll work to quietly...

Make every day Bastille Day
These are the best of times. These are the worst of times. These are troubled times. When the world around us seem to lack compassion, and the capacity to comfort. Who can you turn to? Who can you talk to? Who will understand? Now is the time to liberate yourself from...

Beautiful losers
Some folks feel like real losers, when in reality they’re not. They’ve just been blinded by folks who think they’re real winners, when in reality they’re not. Effective therapy can help folks see that in a world of who’s up and who’s down what really matters is not...

May Day, Mayday
Today is May Day. But I’m thinking here about the one-word version from the French “m’aider” meaning “Help me” -- Such when you feel your’re going down in flames. Yet, it doesn’t have to be that way, if you get help before you crash and burn. With effective...