Frequently Asked Questions

Where is your office?
I am located at 240 W. 102nd Street, just west of Broadway in Manhattan, about a block from the 103rd Street stop on the No.1 subway line, close to the M104 bus, and convenient to taxis and car services. Of course, we can always work over the phone.

What are your hours?
We will have 45-minute sessions on an evening, or evenings, Monday through Thursday. If you should call outside your appointment time, I’ll return your call as soon as possible, although evening calls may not be returned until the following day.

What services do you offer?
I offer individual counseling and psychotherapy, and relationship counseling, for adults and older adolescents. The issues dealt with include anxiety, depression, professional challenges and substance use. Relationship counseling includes all stages of a relationship, including family issues.

What are your fees and cancellation policy?
My fees are in line with those of other private practitioners in Manhattan, and are payable by check, cash or money transfer at the time of treatment. Cancelled or unattended sessions need to be paid for, although I’ll make every effort to reschedule within the same week, with adequate notice.

Will insurance cover my treatment costs?
I provide treatment on an out-of-network basis, which is often covered in part by insurance companies; you should contact your insurer to ask if you have coverage. I can also provide monthly statements of your therapy charges for you to submit directly along with your claims.

Is my treatment tax-deductible?
A flexible spending account or health savings account through your employer may let you pay for your treatment with pretax dollars. In addition, you may be able to use your treatment and transportation costs as tax deductions. Your accountant or the IRS can advise you.

Is my patient information confidential?
A sense of security is essential to successful therapy. As I am independent from managed health-care organizations and insurance companies, I’m not required to routinely divulge any sensitive information about my patients.

How do I take the next step?
You’ve shown the courage to seek help. Now arrange an initial session by simply clicking here, or calling 646-670-8172. I’ll get back to you promptly.